Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Interview with Nicole Cacella

Today I got the chance to speak to a beautiful up and coming model named Nicole Cacella.  Nicole is a 25 year old, born and raised Massachusetts girl who is currently living the single life!  Nicole got her start modeling for Her friends clothing line, SickNasty, and is hoping to make a career out of it.  From what I see, She is well on Her way.

How did you get your start in modeling?

My friend owns a clothing company, its called SickNasty and they gave me my first photoshoot!

What are your likes and dislikes about it?

Getting glamorous and making a beautiful photo is my favorite part. My least favorite part is the judging aspect of it that others give.

As of now, what is your biggest accomplishment in your career?

I am currently running for Playboy Miss Social, so hopefully when I win this, that will be my biggest accomplishment ;)

What is the ultimate goal of your career?

I would love to be in Playboy

What are some of your hobbies?

I love fishing and boating. Being on the water is my absolute favorite activity.

What would be a typical day in the life of Miss Cacella?

Wake up, shower get ready. Head out to work as a nanny. Spend the day doing arts and crafts, going to parks, and whatever other activities the children have that day. Finally get out work, come home relax a bit. Probably meet some friends for dinner and a couple drinks, come home watch some TV (I'm addicted to certain shows) and then go to bed

What is something that your fans would be surprised to know about you?

I HATE shopping!!!!!!

What do you think, is the best feature on your body?


If you had one bad habit that you could break, what would that be?

Smoking, so gross

What are your turn-ons?

Straight teeth, sense of humor, big arms

What are your turn-offs?

bad breath, guys who are too forward

Any Plans for a website in the future?

Stay tuned :)

If you would like to find more on Nicole, you can do so at her facebook: www.facebook.com/nicolecacella and her facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/nicolecacellafanpage : Also check Her out on Twitter @nicolecacella and on Instagram @misscoleee

And don't forget to vote for Nicole for Playboy Miss Social www.playboymisssocial.com/nicolecacella

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