Monday, September 23, 2013

Interview with Kendria Godair

Today's Interview is with the multi talented Kendria Godair.  Kendria is a "single as a slice of cheese" 25 year old dymepiece from Burlington, NC.  In addition to being drop dead sexy, You will find that She is a singer, entrepreneur, and poet!

Tell me about yourself.  Where are you from, living now, how old are you, are you single/married/dating?

I am from Burlington NC, I am 25, I am as single as a slice of cheese and I love it that way. ;)

What made you decide to enter the modeling industry?

Originally the plan was to sing, but when I was accepted into playboy golf I loved it and I took a detour into this industry.

How long have you been modeling?

2-3 years

What is your ultimate goal with Your Modeling?

To make my face well known and make some money in the process!

Who are some of your favorite photographers you have worked with so far?

Well my best friend is a photographer so she's my fave bc we just have a ball the whole time (tia-rogue photography), greatest learning shoot so far has def been with playboy photographer Joel Flora.

I understand you do some singing as well.  Is this something You are looking to pursue as a career also?

Singing is my ultimate goal, and my favorite thing to do!

Where can we see more of Your music?

All my social networks of course, but I'm definately looking to have a stronger YouTube presence and put some music to some stuff I've written.

If you weren't modeling or singing, what would do You think You would be doing with yourself?

Traveling the world getting into trouble...oh wait ..I already do that ha ha

Tell us about some of Your hobbies.

I love to dance, I run a go go dancing company GoGO Elite and that's a ton of fun. I love to read and write poems also, and I suck at the piano but I try!!

If you had one bad habit You could break, what would that be?

Drinking wine but that's too much fun.

If Hollywood was making a movie about Your life, who would You want to Play the part of Yourself?

Lindsay wait..Amanda Bynes..just kidding maybe Kate Winslette (I hear I look like her sometimes...I don't see it though)

Do you have any plans to open a personal website in the future?

Oh yes definately

Are you working on any big projects for the future?

Yes but I cant tell :p

Want more Kendria?  Check her out on Facebook: and on Twitter @Kendria_Godair and also on Instagram @kendria_godair

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